Pryor Technology design and manufacture the widest range of permanent marking machines in the world
We offer dot peen, laser, scribe and chemical etching marking machines, as well as a full range of traditional hand tools, and a full turn key service for custom built solutions.
Pryor Technology design and manufacture the widest range of permanent marking machines in the world
We offer dot peen, laser, scribe and chemical etching marking machines, as well as a full range of traditional hand tools, and a full turn key service for custom built solutions.
Browse by Marking Method
The most versatile method for permanent marking different materials.
Dot Peen
Pryor Dot Peen marking machines are available in all formats.
Scribe marking machines are used for mechanically engraving a wide range of different materials.
Chemical Etching
A permanent marking solution for parts with strict surface treatment requirements.

As we move headlong through the last quarter of our second century, Pryor have amassed an enviable archive of methods and experience to deal with any requirement.
That history is also the bedrock all our new innovations stand upon. You want to mark metals without loss of material volume or integrity?
You want the best marking technology for permanence without destruction or distortion?
You want to ensure consistency and quality from start to finish of a run – even when the mark has to change through serialisation of product or individual component identification?
Pryor have all the most usable technologies, in the most practical formats, from fully portable to fixed bench and floor standing options.
Our aim is to give you the confidence this part of your production is taken care of.

As we move headlong through the last quarter of our second century, Pryors have amassed an enviable archive of methods and experience to deal with any requirement.
That history is also the bedrock all our new innovations stand upon.
You want to mark metals without loss of material volume or integrity?
You want the best marking technology for permanence without destruction or distortion?
You want to ensure consistency and quality from start to finish of a run – even when the mark has to change through serialisation of product or individual component identification?
Pryor have all the most usable technologies, in the most practical formats, from fully portable to fixed bench and floor standing options.
Our aim is to give you the confidence this part of your production is taken care of.
Browse Our Machines
Control & Vision Options
Control & Vision Options
The World has never stood still, products have constantly changed and the methods for identification and marking; for everything from pure branding to essential statutory information, have had to keep up.
As we move headlong through the last quarter of our second century, Pryors have amassed an enviable archive of methods and experience to deal with any requirement.
That history is also the bedrock all our new innovations stand upon.
You want to mark metals without loss of material volume or integrity? & the best marking technology for permanence without destruction or distortion?
You want to ensure consistency and quality from start to finish of a run – even when the mark has to change through serialisation of product or individual component identification?
Pryor have all the most usable technologies, in the most practical formats, from fully portable to fixed bench and floor standing options.
Our aim is to give you the confidence this part of your production is taken care of.
The World has never stood still, products have constantly changed and the methods for identification and marking; for everything from pure branding to essential statutory information, have had to keep up.
10% off Markmate Touch and Portadot P60-30 Touch Machines from Website Enquiries recieved in November
As we move headlong through the last quarter of our second century, Pryors have amassed an enviable archive of methods and experience to deal with any requirement.
That history is also the bedrock all our new innovations stand upon. You want to mark metals without loss of material volume or integrity?
You want the best marking technology for permanence without destruction or distortion?
You want to ensure consistency and quality from start to finish of a run – even when the mark has to change through serialisation of product or individual component identification?
Pryor have all the most usable technologies, in the most practical formats, from fully portable to fixed bench and floor standing options.
Our aim is to give you the confidence this part of your production is taken care of.